
Drive-Thru Gift Giveaway

Happy New Year! We have a gift for you! Kick off your 5784 at our Drive-Thru Gift Giveaway, featuring Stefanie & Win’s delicious Baum Bee Honey! Sunday, September 10 10:30...

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Service 6:00 pm

Rosh Hashanah

Service begins at 9:45 am

Tashlich in Norwalk

Meet at the Beth El parking lot and don't forget to bring your bread crumbs.

Cemetery Service

The service will take place at Beth El Memorial Park, 220 Richards Avenue in Norwalk. Rescheduled from Sunday, September 10th due to the weather.

Kol Nidre

Service begins at 6:30.

Yom Kippur

Services begin at 9:45 am (includes Yizkor) 5:45 pm, Mincha/Neilah, 7:27 pm, Final Shofar/Break Fast  

Sukkah Decorating with the Beth Elles

Join the ladies of Beth El for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres as we decorate the sukkah on Wednesday, September 27 at 7 pm. Watch your email for the evite!

Erev Sukkot

Join us for services and dinner at 6:00 pm. Candle Lighting at 6:21 pm. THE SERVICE CAN BE VIEWED VIA LIVESTREAM

Sukkot Shabbat Dinner

Join us for our Sukkot Shabbat Dinner featuring Joyce Saltman, "Professor of Comedy" on Friday, September 29th from 6:00–8:00pm. Early bird rate ends on September 20th. RSVP HERE Cost: $54...