
Erev Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av is the most sorrowful day of the Jewish year because it commemorates a surprising number of tragedies that have happened to the Jewish people on this very same...

Parking Lot Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner!!

Last year we had to move this inside and it was still wonderful!  We are hoping to be outside this year and invite you to join us.  Admission is a...

A Conversation with Art

Art Education Consultant Helane Rheingold will join us for evening conversation on art.    Helane returns to Beth El after leading a successful art education and discussion program previously. Her...

Celebrating Pride Month with Abby Stein

Abby Stein has a unique story to share with us on her life's journey.  Jewish educator, Rabbi, Trans Rights activist, and award winning author of the best selling book “Becoming Eve: My...

Gala 2024!!!

Invitations have been mailed! This year we will be honoring our 90 years of serving the Jewish Community and our own, Rabbi Ita Paskind. Register by Friday, May 10 HERE.