Rabbi Paskind’s Upcoming Mission to Israel
I want to let you know that I’ve signed up for a rabbinic mission to Israel at the end of the month (February 27-29).
Like you, I’ve continued to feel deeply sad/angry/frustrated since October 7, and I feel a deep desire to offer chizuk, strength, to the people of Israel. I’m sure many of us have seen accounts of others’ quick visits to Israel over the course of these last few months–they are extremely emotional and overwhelming, and so, so, so important.
I will travel with an interdenominational group of rabbis–mostly Reform, but a couple of Conservative–and we will do all the things that have become standard, including:
* visit one of the southern kibbutzim that was attacked on October 7
* visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv
* volunteer harvesting produce
* speak with bereaved and hostage families
* meet leaders of the organizations supporting Israelis each and every day
I will speak about this sure-to-be-very-intense whirlwind experience on
Shabbat morning, March 2–I hope you’ll be here.
If you would like to support my visit, there are 2 main ways:
1. I’m collecting warm winter garments and accessories (eg: long underwear, gloves, hats, warm socks, or fleece jackets) to bring to soldiers. These can be deposited in the collection box in the social hall until Sunday, February 25, at 11:30 am.
2. I’m collecting monetary contributions that I will donate to the organizations we will visit. Monetary contributions can be made any way you like through the
CBE Tzedakah Fund and earmarked for my trip. You may also specify which organization you’d like it to go to.
I am humbled and honored at this opportunity to bear witness and to bring strength. I go as a shlichah, a representative of our Jewish community, and will share with everyone I meet how we stand with Israel.
Rabbi Ita Paskind