
We invite and welcome family members of all faith backgrounds to worship at all services–at weekday morning minyan and on Shabbat and holidays.

Click HERE for our Passover page.

Service Schedule & Links (click + at right)

Rabbi Paskind and our team of skilled congregants lead services each weekday morning (exclusively on Zoom), Shabbat, and holidays.

Daily Minyan: Monday–Friday at 8 AM via Zoom

Kabbalat Shabbat / Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6:00 PM in person, Livestream or Zoom

NOTE: Kabbalat Shabbat will be via Livestream Dec 13 and Jan 10

Shabbat: Saturdays at 10:00 AM in person or via Livestream (B’nei Mitzvah: 9:30 AM)

Shabbat Shalom - challah bread, shabbat wine and candles on wooden table

This Week

Shabbat Times for Norwalk, CT 06851

  • Candle lighting:
  • Shabbat HaChodesh occurs on
  • This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Pekudei
  • Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan occurs on
  • Havdalah:
  • Rosh Chodesh Nisan occurs on
TOT shabbat photo

Tot Shabbat

Beth El welcomes all families and their young children (through 4th grade) to attend Tot Shabbat services. Led by CBE member Sharon Kesselman, these monthly experiences include a special snack, songs, prayers, dancing as we celebrate Shabbat and make new friends while learning a little Hebrew and all about Shabbat.

Wrapping T

Pre-B’nei Mitzvah Services

Our BMitzvah students (5th-7th graders) join CBE member Morah Rhonda Ginsberg once a month for a guided Shabbat morning service experience. Sitting together with their teacher and peers, students are immersed in the service they are preparing to lead as they enter Jewish adulthood.


Live Stream

Czech Memorial Scroll

Thanks to the efforts of Rhonda & Larry Ginsberg, we were able to obtain this scroll from the Holocaust.

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