Passover Information
Each year Rabbi Ita Paskind and CBE provide our community a Passover Guide.
In this Guide, you’ll find information about:
1. Food and prepping your kitchen
2. Disposing of chametz
3. Planning your seder
4. Siyyum for the Firstborn
5. Holiday services
For the full guide, click HERE.
To sell your chametz, click HERE.
Sunday, April 21
Search for Chametz after dark; see the Rabbi’s Pesach Guide on our website.
Monday, April 22, Erev Pesach
The Sale of Chametz Form will be available until 9am.
7:30 am Minyan + Siyyum for Firstborn–In person and via Zoom. Zoom Link
9:15 am burning of Chametz in the Beth El parking lot.
10:35 am last time to eat Chametz.
11:44 am All Chametz must be disposed of.
7:23pm Candle lighting
First Seder
Tuesday, April 23, First day of Pesach
10:00 am Yom Tov service in person or via Livestream.
Second Seder
8:27pm Candle lighting
Wednesday, April 24, Second day of Pesach
10:00 am Yom Tov service in person or via Livestream.
8:28pm Havdalah (holiday continues)
Thursday, April 25 & Friday, April 26
8:00 am Minyan for the intermediate days of Passover, Zoom link.
Friday, April 26, Pesach Intermediate Shabbat
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service in person or via Zoom link.
7:27 pm Candle lighting
Saturday, April 27, Pesach Intermediate Shabbat
10:00 am Shabbat service in person or via Livestream.
8:32pm Havdalah (holiday continues)
Sunday, April 28
7:30pm Candlelighting, Seventh Day of Pesach
Monday, April 29, Seventh Day of Pesach
10:00 am Yom Tov services in person or via Livestream.
8:34pm Candle lighting, Eighth Day of Pesach
Tuesday, April 30, Eighth day of Pesach
10:00 am Yom Tov services with Yizkor in person or via Livestream.
8:35 pm Havdalah for the end of Pesach.
9:00 pm your Chametz will return to you at the end of the holiday.