Meet Your Board

As part of an on going series, we would like to introduce you to your CBE Board members.

First, meet VP of Ritual, Personnel, David Loewenberg.

David Loewenberg is currently serving as First Vice President of Ritual, & Personnel on the Executive Committee.  Some of you may know David from his roles as a High Holiday service leader or Shabbat Torah Reader or Megillah reader on Purim, but here are a few more “fun facts” about him and his family that you may not know.

David and his wife, Pam Feldstein, met at Camp Tevya, a Jewish overnight camp in Southern New Hampshire. That is where they first started dating. No surprise that all three of their kids went there as well. They went to college across the street from each other; Pam at Barnard, David at the Joint Program between Columbia and JTS.

By the time you read this, they will be first-time empty nesters as their youngest, Atara, heads off to college and they start rooting for the Terps!  Their middle child, Doron, is scheduled to graduate in April 2025 (go Panthers!), and their oldest, Eliza, graduated in 2023 (go Maroons, or huzzah Phil the Phoenix!)

The Feldstein & Loewenberg family live in a sports house divided; Pam, from Providence, RI is a staunch supporter of all teams Boston/New England. David was born and raised in Philadelphia and, as such, “is legally obligated to stick to the hard-boiled parochialism of Philadelphia fandom.”  Their children generally support the Boston/New England teams because they like to suffer less!

Pam and David moved to Stamford in 1999, and soon joined Beth El Norwalk after a bit of “shul shopping”.  “We loved the people we met, the warm and generous community ethos of CBE, and we soon settled in as our family grew,” David said.  Each of their three kids was named in the synagogue, each celebrated their Bat/Bar/Bat Mitzvah (in that order) in the synagogue.  They have shared the joy of celebrating many other Simchas with so many of you while sharing the pain of funerals and shiva calls with the community as well.  “Beth El Norwalk has become our family by choice for a quarter century,” he added.

David concluded, “It’s my honor to serve in any capacity that I can for Beth El, and I look forward to continuing to grow and evolve with this sacred community.”


Meet Board of Trustee Member Caryn Edelman

Caryn Edelman and her family, husband Dan and children Nate & Max, joined CBE in 2004. She immediately got involved starting with attending services and Baby and Me classes since 2002 based on an introduction from CBE member Kathie Oberst.

Both Nate, currently age 23, and Max, currently age 19, graduated from Nitzan Nursery School and Navasky Religious School, both had B’nei Mitzvah at CBE. Caryn was part of the Nitzan parents advisory group in 2004-2008, serving as head of the group in 2008. She was also part of the Navasky parents group for 12 years from 2005-2017.

Among the several committees throughout her time at Beth El, Caryn ran the Nitzan Book Fair for several years, published the Yizkor Book for three years with her sister and fellow CBE member Naomi Heftler, volunteered to help plan many Shabbat dinners, served on the Purim committee along with her husband, Dan, at one time ran the Book Club, and is a current member of both the Beth Elles and Gala Planning committee.

Caryn has been on the synagogue board since 2022. She is, and always has been, someone either the office or a committee chair could call on to help out, even last minute.

Born and raised on Long Island, Caryn was very involved in USY as a teen. She later graduated from SUNY Binghamton (now Binghamton University) with an MA in Organizational Psychology from Teachers College Columbia University.

After working in HR and Store Management for several years, Caryn switched careers and became an administrator and educator at the Columbia Grammar School in New York City. She and Dan have been married 25 years. They currently live in Newtown after recently moving from Weston.