From our President, Keith Satter
I don’t know about you but I spend the year looking forward to the summer and as I am writing this letter during the middle of August I find summer slipping away so quickly. Two ways that I know this. First, the days are getting shorter. Second, I received information from my school principal welcoming me back for another school year which, by the way, will begin at the end of August, interrupting the last days of summer. I hope you have made the most of the summer travelling, relaxing and spending time with families and friends. That’s what summer is all about.
From a Jewish perspective, summer provides those of us at Beth El with the time to begin preparing for the High Holidays, which will be in October this year. The fall holidays will actually be in the fall after being in September for a number of years. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes that makes our time together for the holidays “Beth El special.”
The rabbi and her team design the services. Honors are assigned accordingly, recognizing those who have contributed to Beth El this year. Procedures and processes are reviewed, Torah covers changed, youth activities planned. Yom Kippur break fast is arranged. A new sound system has been installed and fine tuned.
I want to call everyone’s attention to a very important role that, if they do their job well, gets very little attention. I am speaking about our ushers. These folks, many of them in the Beth El leadership, take time out to position to help answer questions, direct congregants, especially those with honors, and assist in the even flow in the sanctuary, stairs leading to the bimah, social hall and lobby area. In an emergency, they play an important role in directing people to the nearest exits.
Ushers sign up for a one hour slot. There are any number of available slots and we could use your help. Please consider ushering this year. We will accept any volunteers 13 years and older. Or consider ushering with your child. It’s a way to introduce them to the responsibilities of synagogue life. Please call or write to the office and let Jody know when you are available. We will do everything we can to assign you a slot that will work for you.
Finally, join me in congratulating Past President Steve Stein, on his 25th High Holiday appeal. We are asking for 100% participation with at least $25 from each member family. Call it “25 for Steve.” As I have said before, dues only cover a fraction of operating expenses. Our appeal is a major fundraiser for the synagogue. Yishar Koach, Steve.
As I said at the beginning, the days are rushing by. The High Holidays will be here before we know it. On behalf of our Beth El leadership, my wife, Betsy and our entire family, Shanah Tova, may you be inscribed for a healthy happy year.