
Event Series Shabbat Services

Shabbat Services

Weekly Shabbat services begin at 10:00 am (9:30 am when there is a B Mitzvah) in person and via our livestream feed.  Our services combine traditional and contemporary prayers. Rabbi...

Erev Pesach Siyyum for First Born

Minyan + Siyyum for Firstborn–In person and via Zoom. Zoom Link followed by the burning of Chametz in the Beth El parking lot. 10:30 am is the last time to eat...

First day of Pesach

Yom Tov service in person or via Livestream. Second Seder 8:27pm Candle lighting

Second day of Pesach

Yom Tov service in person or via Livestream. 8:28pm Havdalah (holiday continues)