
Event Series Torah Study

Torah Study

Join Beth El for monthly Torah study. It takes place during Shabbat morning services, followed by Kiddush lunch, in the Social Hall. All are welcome to come and participate!

POSTPONED: Blessing of the Pets

Due to the weather report and events in Israel, we are postponing this event to a later date TBD.    

ADL Program on Antisemitism

Join Congregation Beth El as Rabbi Ron Fish, East Division Director of Antisemitism Advocacy Education for the Anti-Defamation League, addresses a topic that, in an increasingly fragmented world, has relevance...

Event Series Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbat will meet monthly on Shabbat mornings. Beth El welcomes all families and their young children (through 4th grade) to attend Tot Shabbat services. Led by CBE member Sharon...

Solidarity Shabbat, November 3-4

Join us for a weekend of Israel Solidarity beginning with our Israel Shabbat Dinner following services. RSVP HERE. Reservations to get early bird price must be made by Wednesday, October...