
L’Chayim & Learn

Continuing our new holiday learning series, we welcome our own Wendy Engel as our teacher for a Tu B'Shevat Seder and learning.  This event is free but registration is required.

Event Series Repro Shabbat

Repro Shabbat

Come learn about Jewish approaches to reproductive rights with returning JTS rabbinical student Claire Davidson Bruder  February 21: We will have a Wine & Cheese Social at 5:30 pm prior...

Event Series Repro Shabbat

Repro Shabbat

Come learn about Jewish approaches to reproductive rights with returning JTS rabbinical student Claire Davidson Bruder  February 21: We will have a Wine & Cheese Social at 5:30 pm prior...

Event Series Repro Shabbat

Repro Shabbat

Come learn about Jewish approaches to reproductive rights with returning JTS rabbinical student Claire Davidson Bruder  February 21: We will have a Wine & Cheese Social at 5:30 pm prior...